POPYK Andrii Ivanovych

POPYK Andrii Ivanovych POPYK Andrii Ivanovych – associate professor of the institution of higher education, Department of Pharmacognosy and Nutritiology, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor.

POPYK Andrii Ivanovych POPYK Andrii Ivanovych

He was born on December 2, 1984 in the village Red Donenz. He graduated from the National University of Pharmacy in 2006. He defended his master’s thesis in 2007. From 2008 to 2011 he worked as a Senior Laboratory Assistant in the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds. Assistant of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2012); Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Nutritiology(2021); Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Nutritiology(2023).

Educational work
Gives a course of lectures and conducts laboratory classes in the discipline “Pharmacognosy with the basics of biochemistry of medicinal plants”, “Pharmacognosy with the basics of resource science”.

Scientific research work.
He defended his Ph.D thesis on the topic ” “Pharmacognostic study of representatives of the Syringa genus and obtaining herbal remedies based on them”” (2012). He has more than 60 scientific works and 1 patent of Ukraine.

Social Activities:
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy (2015-2021). Responsible for career guidance activities of the department.