PROTSKA Viktoriia Vasylivna

PROTSKA Viktoriia Vasylivna

Protska Viktoriia Vasylivna – assistant of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Nutritiology of NUPh, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences.

PROTSKA Viktoriia VasylivnaPROTSKA Viktoriia VasylivnaPROTSKA Viktoriia VasylivnaPROTSKA Viktoriia Vasylivna

Protska Viktoriia Vasylivna was born on November 22, 1986 in the city of Khmelnytskyi. In 2010, she graduated from the National University of Pharmacy with a degree in Pharmacy and received the qualification of a pharmacist. In 2012 received the qualification of magistr of a pharmacist with honours.
From 2013 to 2017 she worked as senior laboratory assistant in the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, from 2017 to 2019 – assistant at the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, since 2019, an assistant at the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Nutritiology.
Educational-methodical work: Teaching courses «Pharmacognosy», «Pharmacognosy with the basics of phytocosmetics», «Resourse science of medicinal plants», «Nutritiology».

Scientific research work:

In 2017, she defended her thesis for obtaining the Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences on topic «Pharmacognostic study of Hosta plantaginea and Hosta lancifolia», author and co-author of 100 scientific papers.


Diploma of the II degree of the winner in the nomination “The best teacher of NUPh” (2018);
Diploma of the National University of Pharmacy for outstanding achievements in research and research and organizational activities (2018);
Diploma of the Department of Health of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2021).

Membership in specialized organizations:
Kharkiv Regional Association of Pharmaceutical Workers
NGO “International Educators And Scientists Foundation”