Student Scientific Society (SSS)

Студентське наукове товариство (СНТ)

Student Scientific Society (SSS) of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Nutriciology
Every year, students of the SSS of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Nutriciology participate in the International All-Ukrainian conferences of students and young scientists, in different rounds of olympiads. Senior students who already have scientific experience and practical skills carry out diploma and master’s work, which successfully defend perfectly and well. Students of SSS of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Nutriciology publish their scientific achievements in theses of scientific conferences and articles in specialized publications together with their leaders, experienced associate professors and professors of the department.
At the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Nutriciology during 2019 – 2020 SSS research work is carried out by more than 60 students. 43 graduate students completed master and diploma works. Of these, 18 – graduate theses, 20 foreign master’s theses (English) and 5 domestic master’s theses. 12 students of the 3rd course “Pharmacy” are working on the selection of literary sources on the selected scientific topics. The works are devoted to the phytochemical study of fruit and berries, agricultural plants, plants cultivated in gardens and parks, and indoor plants.
Scientific directions of the SSS circle of the Department of CPS and Nutrition:
– study of biologically active substances (BAS) of agricultural plants and the creation on their basis of substances and phytopreparations of various biological effects;
– study of medicinal plants of various phytotherapeutic orientation, development of the composition and standardization of special food products – dietary supplements.