SKREBTSOVA Kateryna Sergiivna – associate professor of the institution of higher education, Department of Pharmacognosy and Nutriciology, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor.
She was born on September 29, 1987 in Kharkiv. She graduated from the National University of Pharmacy in 2010. She defended her master’s thesis in 2011. 2010-2013 – Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Natural Compounds Chemistry, 2011 – postgraduate student of the Department of Natural Compounds Chemistry. Since 2015 – assistant of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2019 – assistant of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Nutrition. Since 2023 – associate professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Nutriciology.
Scientific research work:
She defended PhD thesis on the topic “Pharmacognostic study raw material of Ligustrum vulgare and creation substance on its basis”, (2015), specialty 15.00.02 – «Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy» under the supervision of D.Sc, professor Kyslychenko V.S.
Scientific areas include the pharmacognostic study of plant raw materials of cultivated plants.
Educational and methodical work:
2018-2022 – participation in foreign international conferences with the receipt of relevant certificates.
2021 – Internship “Umidzynarodowienie szkolnictwa wyszego (Internationalization of higher education)”, Collegium Civitas, XII floor of the Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, Poland.
Author and co-author of more than 110 publications of a scientific and educational and methodological nature (including those included in the international scientometric databases Scopus).
Responsible for creating and filling the site of the department, creating distance courses, conducting distance learning. Responsible for the career guidance of the department.
Teaching of disciplines:
– Pharmacognosy with the basics of resource science,
– Nutritiology
(for Ukrainian and foreign citizens studying in English).
Membership in specialized associations:
– Civil organization “Kharkiv Regional Association of Pharmaceutical Workers”;
– Public organization “International Foundation of Scientists and Educators” IESF.