OCHKUR Oleksandr Vasyliyovych – associate professor of the institution of higher education, Department of Pharmacognosy and Nutritiology, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor.
OCHKUR Oleksandr was born on January 25, 1986 in Novooleksandrivka village of Bilovodsk district of Luhansk region.
Graduated from the Stakhanov Medical School for the specialty “Pharmacy” (2005); National University of Pharmacy for the specialty “Pharmacy” (2009); master’s degree at NUPh for the specialty “Pharmacy” (2010); postgraduate study at NUPh (2013); master’s degree at NUPh for the educational program “Clinical Research” (2023).
Worked as a pharmacist of the Central district pharmacy No. 90 (Bilovodsk, Luhansk region) (2009-2010), a postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmacognosy (2010-2013), an assistant of the Department of Nutritiology and Pharmaceutical Bromatology (2013-2014), an assistant of the Department of Pharmacognosy (2014-2019), since 2019 – an associate professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the National University of Pharmacy.
Educational and methodical work
Conducts laboratory and practical classes in the disciplines “Pharmacognosy with the basics of resource science”, “Resource science of medicinal plants”, “Pharmaceutical botany” for full-time and part-time students, supervises the execution of master’s theses. Co-author of textbooks, lecture texts, and laboratory journals on pharmacognosy, resource science of medicinal plants, nutriciology, and pharmaceutical bromatology for domestic and foreign students, including in English.
Scientific and research work
Pharmacognostic study of medicinal plant raw materials and non-pharmacopoeial plant species; phytochemical study of the genus Artemisia L.; screening of promising plant sources of biologically active substances using methods of numerical taxonomy; creation and standardization of medicines of plant origin.
Defended the thesis “Pharmacognostic study of othe genus Artemisia L. species of the flora of Ukraine” in 2014 (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Pharm., Prof. A.M. Kovaleva).
Author and co-author of more than 100 scientific works, including 30 articles in professional publications, 18 patents, articles in the “Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia”.
Social activities
Deputy dean of the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Technologies (since 2014); secretary of the Examination Commission (2015-2018); member of the Trade Union Committee of the Primary Trade Union Organization of the Employees of the National University of Pharmacy (since 2020).