PROSKURINA Kseniya Igorivna – associate professor of the institution of higher education, Department of Pharmacognosy and Nutritiology, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor.
PROSKURINA Kseniya Igorivna (30.10.1985r., Kharkov) graduated from the National Pharmaceutical University (2007), master’s degree (2008). She worked as a senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Quality, Standardization and Certification of Drugs of the Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement NUPh (2006-2010). From 2010 to 2012 she worked as an assistant of the Department of Quality, Standardization and Certification of Drugs of the Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement. From 2011 to 2012 she served as a methodologist of the department.
From 2012 to 2014, she worked as an assistant in the Department of Analytical Chemistry, she was responsible for the work of the student scientific society, she was a member of the Council of Young Scientists of the NUPh. From 2014 to 2017 she worked as an associate professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, was responsible for the site of the department. In the period from 2013 to 2014 was accepted into the medical committee of the Lublin Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS Branch in Lublin).
Since 2017 she works as an assistant professor of the Department of Botany. She is responsible for updating and updating the department’s website, for the scientific work of the department. She conducts practical classes in the discipline of pharmaceutical botany for students of various specialties of day and correspondence forms of education, conducts field training for students of all specialties.
Educational and methodical work
Proskurnina is a co-author of 10 educational and methodical publications. she participated in the creation of 25 educational videos with audio accompaniment for laboratory work on quantitative and instrumental methods of analysis, taking into account the implementation of distance courses in the educational process.
Organizational work
She acted as the executive secretary of the I, II international scientific and practical conference “Analytical Chemistry in Pharmacy” (2015, 2016). She was a member of the Organizing Committee for the preparation of VI, VII and VIII National Congresses of Pharmacists of Ukraine (2005, 2010 and 2016 respectively). She was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the National Pharmaceutical University (2010, 2016).
Research work
In 2011 she defended her thesis on “Optimization and validation of quality control methods for extemporal drugs containing nitrofural, pilocarpine hydrochloride and papaverine hydrochloride” (supervisor – professor, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences Evtifeeva OA).
Proskurina carries out research work in the field of “Development and Validation of Methods for Quality Control of Pharmaceuticals and Industrial Production”. She conducts research work with students, participates in conferences with reports. According to the results of the research work, she has more than 80 scientific works, among them: 5 patents for useful model, 5 information letters, 27 scientific articles and more than 50 conference materials.
Патент на корисну модель № 53020 Україна, МПК G01N 31/16 A61K 31/395. Спосіб титриметричного визначення концентрації папаверину гідрохлориду у лікарських формах аптечного виготовлення / Євтіфєєва О.А., Георгіянц В.А., Проскуріна К.І. Заявка № u 2010 01806 Заявл. 19.02.2010. Опубл. 27.09.2010, Бюл. №3.
Пат. на корисну модель 60616 Україна, МПК А61К 31/472 (2006.01), С07D 217/20 (2006.01). Спосіб ідентифікації папаверину гідро хлориду у лікарських формах аптечного виготовлення / О. А. Євтіфєєва, В. А. Георгіянц, К. І. Проскуріна; заявник і патентоволодар Національний фармацевтичний університет. – № u 201014013; заявл. 24.11.10; опубл. 25.06.2011, Бюл. №12.
Патент на корисну модель № 95150 Україна, МПК G01N 21/33 A61K 31/ Спосіб спектрофотометричного визначення концентрації кислоти саліцилової у лікарських формах аптечного виготовлення у присутності резорцину/ Євтіфєєва О.А., Проскуріна К.І., Хмельова М.О. Заявка № u 2010 01806 Заявл. 02.07.2014. Опубл. 10.12.2014, Бюл. №23.
Патент на корисну модель №96437 Україна, МПК G01N 21/27 A61K31/01. Спосіб фотоколориметричного визначення концентрації ментолу у лікарських формах аптечного виготовлення / Євтіфєєва О.А., Проскуріна К.І., Мордінсон А.Ю., Хмельова М.О. Заявка № u 2014 08186 Заявл. 21.07.2014. Опубл. 10.02.2015, Бюл. №3.
Патент на корисну модель № 105619 Україна, МПК G01N 31/16 A61K 31/395. Спосіб кількісного визначення складу магнітокерованого нанокомпозиту Ag@Fе3O4 / Чан Т. М.; Левітін Є. Я.; Криськів О. С.; Проскуріна К. І. Заявка № u 2015 09848 Заявл. 12.10.2015. Опубл. 25.03.2016, Бюл. №6.