GONTOVA Tetiana Mykolaivna – professor of the institution of higher education, Department of Pharmacognosy and Nutritiology, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor.
GONTOVA Tetiana Mykolaivna (04.04.1969, Kharkiv) – the Doctor of Pharmacy (2012), Professor of the Pharmacognosy and nutriciology Department (since 2023).
Graduated from Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute (1991). She worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Botany (1991 – 1993), PhD student (1993 – 1996), assistant (1996 – 2001), associate professor (2001 – 2012). The head of the Botany Department (2013-2021), Professor of the Pharmacognosy Department (2021-2023), Professor of the Pharmacognosy and nutriciology Department (since 2023).
Upgrade training
Actual issues of quality and standardization in the pharmaceutical field (2004); Retraining for continuing education (Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists NUPH) (2010); Lecturer skill of the teacher (Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists NUPH) (2015); Standardized methods for diagnosing the quality of training specialists in the Healthcare knowledge industry (A. A. Bogomolets National Medical University, Faculty for Advanced Studies of Teachers of Higher Medical Educational Institutions of the Institute of Postgraduate Education) (2016); Information and communication technologies of distance learning: e-Tutor (Educational and Scientific Institute of Master’s Training and Postgraduate Education) (2016), SUYA Supervisor School (2018), Postgraduate Psychological and Pedagogical Education of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of Pharmaceutical and Medical universities (NUPh, IPKSF) (2020), Master’s Degree of Higher Education (Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Skovoroda) (2020) p.), Modern clinical-pharmacological and organizational-economic aspects of the dispensing and use of medicinal products of the National Institute of Medical Sciences, (IPKSF, Kharkiv (2022).
Educational and methodical work. Co-author of 7 standard and 38 work programs in specialized disciplines. In co-authorship, blocks of educational literature in Ukrainian, English and Russian were prepared in the disciplines of Pharmaceutical Botany, Medical Botany and others (the number of educational publications 147); took part in the development of the distance course “Pharmaceutical Botany”, which meets the requirements of the “Regulation on the examination of Distance Course in NUPH” and recommendations for use in the educational process, which is confirmed by the Certificate (February 13, 2019).
Organizational work
She is a member of the Scientific Council of the NUPH. She was approbation commissions of the NUPH in the specialties 15.00.01 and 15.00.02, the joint council of faculties, and the cyclic methodological council of the NUPH. She was a member of the Organizing Committee for the preparation of the VIII National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine (2016), a member of the Organizing Committee for the organization of the 20th anniversary of the Day of the Pharmaceutical Worker of Ukraine (2019). She was the head of the jury of the 1st and 2nd rounds of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad in the discipline “Botany” (2019), she worked as part of the working group of the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad in the discipline “Laboratory diagnostics” (2019). In 2012, 2014, 2018, 2020 she was the head of the organizing committees of the I, II, III and IV International Scientific and Practical Internet Conferences “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Study of Medicinal Plants”.
Since 2013, a member of the professional examination of test materials of licensed exams “Krok-1” for the specialty “Pharmacy” in Botany. Head of the professional examination of test materials of licensed exams “Krok-1” for the specialty “Pharmacy” in Botany (2017 – 2021).
As part of the work of the department, as a reference point for the disciplines “Pharmaceutical Botany” and “Medical Botany” for single-specialty courses of medical institutions of Ukraine (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 352 of 10/27/1998), coordinated the cooperation of university departments that study the discipline “Pharmaceutical Botany” (2013-2021).
She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Kharkiv Regional Council (2015), the Certificate of Merit of the Association of Organizations of Employers of the Medical and Microbiological Industry of Ukraine (2016), the Certificate of Honor of the NUPH (2018, 2019), and the Appreciation of the NUPH (2018, 2019).
In 2014, name of Gontova T.N. included in the Golden Book of Honor for a significant contribution to the development of the university.
Research work
Carries out research work in the direction: “Pharmacognostic study of medicinal plant materials and the development of herbal medicine based on them” (state registration number 0114U000946), “Development and validation of methods of quality control of medicinal products of pharmaceutical and industrial production” (state registration number 0114U000949). She prepared 9 masters, four graduates, 6 candidates of sciences (Zolotaykina M. Yu. (2017)), (Ilyinskaya N.I. (2018), Sokolova O.A. (2019), Yaremenko M. S. (2021), Gordey K. R. (2021), Kotov S.A. (2023). She is the supervisor of 1 PhD student Taller E.Yu. “Pharmacognostic study of the Robinia viscosa Vent.”
According to the results of the research work, more than 288 scientific papers were published, among them: 21 patents, 6 information sheets, 89 scientific papers and more than 180 conference materials.
Membership in professional associations: International Pharmacists Association (FIP 2013-2015); Commission of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin (2013-2014), Ukrainian Botanical Society (1996-2020).
Підручник з грифом МОЗ:
Pharmaceutical botany: textbook / T. M. Gontova, A. H. Serbin, S. M. Marchyshyn et. al. ; edited by T. M. Gontova. – Ternopil: TSMU, 2013. – 380 p.
Навчальні посібники з грифом МОЗ:
1. Атлас по анатомии растений (растительная клетка, ткани, органы) / А. Г. Сербін, Л. С. Картмазова, В. П. Руденко, Т. М. Гонтова : навч. посібн. для студ. вищ. навч. закладів. – Х.: Колорит, – 86 с.: іл. – Текст: рос.
2. Збірник тестових завдань з поясненнями та ілюстраціями для контролю знань та підготовки до ліцензійного іспиту Крок 1 (ботаніка) : навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / [уклад.: Т. М. Гонтова, Л. М. Сіра, Т. В. Опрошанська та ін.]; за ред. Т. М. Гонтової, Л. М. Сірої. – Харків : НФаУ : Золоті сторінки, 2015. – 168 с.
3. Фотогербарий лекарственных растений = Photoherbarium of medicinal plants : учеб. пособие для студентов вузов / Т.Н. Гонтовая, А.Г. Сербин, В.П. Руденко и др. ; под общ. Ред. Т.Н. Гонтовой, В.П. Руденко. – Харьков. : НФаУ : Золотые страницы, 2017. – 240 с. – Текст парал. : рус., англ.
1. Енциклопедичний тулмачний словник фармацевтичних термінів : україно-латинсько-російсько-англійський : [навч. Посібн. Для студ. Вищих навч. закладів] / [уклад.: І.М. Перцев, Є.І. Світлична, О.А. Рубан та ін.] ; за ред. Проф. В.П. Черниха. – Вінниця : Нова Книга, 2014. – 824 с.
2. Англо-український та українсько-англійський словник із фармацевтичної технології «Крок 1. Фармація» = English-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-English Dictionary of Pharmacy Terminology «Krok 1. Pharmacy» : прибл. 15500 термінів / уклад.: А.А. Котвіцька, А.І. Федосов, Т.В. Крутських та ін. – Харків: НФаУ, 2019. – 248 с.