KOROL Victoria Viktorivna –– associate professor of the institution of higher education, Department of Pharmacognosy and Nutritiology, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor.
Korol Viktoriia Viktorivna was born on April 18, 1968 in Kharkiv. In 1990, she graduated from Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute (KFI) majoring in “Pharmacy” and received the qualification of “pharmacist”. She worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Pharmacognosy (1990) of the KhFI, an assistant (1991) at the Department of Pharmacognosy at the KhFI, an associate professor at the Department of Pharmacognosy (2003) at the National Academy of Sciences, an associate professor at the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2004) at the National Academy of Sciences. From 2003 to 2018 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Nutrition (2019) Head of the Student Scientific Society at the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Nutrition (since 2004).
Educational and methodical work
He gives lectures and conducts practical classes and seminars in the following disciplines: pharmacognosy, resource science of medicinal plants, pharmacognostic bases of phytotherapy, pharmacognostic analysis of new LRS, nutricology.
Scientific research work
She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Pharmacognostic study of Lotus corniculatus”. (1999)
He has more than 170 scientific works, including 3 patents, 5 articles in the Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia, over the past 5 years, 3 articles in Scopus journals and 2 articles in ScienceRise journals, 4 articles in professional publications, 85 theses.
– Certificate of Honor of the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences for conscientious, fruitful work, high professionalism, dedication to work and on the occasion of the Day of the Pharmaceutical Worker (2010)
– Certificate of Honor of the National University of Science and Technology for conscientious, fruitful work, high professionalism, dedication to the work for the anniversary of the birth (2018)
Over the past 5 years, he has received certificates of advanced training in the following programs:
1. Information and communication technologies of distance learning: e-Tutor;
2. “Teachers 4.0: Effective approaches for distance education”;
3. Modern learning technologies;
4. Modern clinical-pharmacological and organizational-economic aspects of dispensing and use of medicinal products;
5. Theory and practice of distance learning.
Member of the Kharkiv Regional Association of Pharmaceutical Workers.